How it all started...
Cedarwood was started in 1996. It's vision was to be a place where everyone was welcomed. Where everyone felt loved. Where everyone could feel free to worship God the way they wanted to worship Him. A place that was Real, Loving, Accepting, and Serving.
Located in Waterloo, South Carolina; Cedarwood is built on the Bible and continues its mission to "Lead people to a growing relationship with Jesus Christ." life at a time.
As a multi-generational church community, we meet needs through a blended worship experience, Sunday School and discipleship options, mission opportunities, fellowship, and outreach events.
There is always something happening here, and we would love to help you get connected!
Located in Waterloo, South Carolina; Cedarwood is built on the Bible and continues its mission to "Lead people to a growing relationship with Jesus Christ." life at a time.
As a multi-generational church community, we meet needs through a blended worship experience, Sunday School and discipleship options, mission opportunities, fellowship, and outreach events.
There is always something happening here, and we would love to help you get connected!

Expanding the vision...
Our vision is "Making Disciples....Changing Lives" We believe that a disciple is a follower of Jesus. Therefore as disciples we are to strive and live our lives for Jesus and like Jesus.
Where we are headed...
Our goal is to reach our community for Jesus Christ. We do this by reaching our community where they are. We don't believe in staying inside the walls of the church, we believe in getting our hands dirty and going to where the people and our community gather. Therefore we have ministries and partnerships throughout our community: Cedarwood Blessing box, Connie Maxwell Children's Home, Crossroads Pregnancy Center, Lander University, Laurens Baptist Association, Pathway House, SC Baptist Convention, Waterloo Elementary. In addition to these partnerships we provide other ministries to our community: AA (Help those fighting an alcohol addiction), Financial Peace University (Help those struggling with financial issues), GriefShare (Help those suffering the lost of a loved one), Journey to Hope (Help those fighting mental issue), Trail Life (Help with raising boys to become godly men). We work with missionaries in Haiti and Mexico. As well as, church plants in Indianapolis, Indiana.
Be a part of our story...
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together a 9:30 am for Worship and 11 am for Sunday school.